Susan Ryan
Paper Mache, Paintings & More
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27 x 9 x 9
Recycled materials, Beer bottle caps, beads, found objects and paper clips

This piece was created from over 400 beer bottle caps. The caps were hammered flat, sanded, pierced and allowed to rust. The wooden beads were salvaged from a very unattractive purse I found in a thrift store. I felt strongly that something so ugly, yet painstakingly created, should be remade into something beautiful. I painted the beads a bright red, to rescue them from their ordinariness, and to compliment the overall metallic color of this artwork.

While I was working on this piece I spent a weekend in beautiful Bolinas. This piece moves gently and glitteringly in a breeze. The sound is soft and wooshy and reminds me of water pushing and lapping against the docks and boats in the Bolinas Lagoon.